(to donate to St Peter’s Southrop or St Andrew’s Eastleach please click here)

Donate to St Lawrence, Lechlade

Regular Giving

Regular giving is a commitment to the church, and is a very useful way to help the church budget.
St Lawrence is part of the Parish Giving Scheme, which is an excellent way to give to the church on a regular basis via your bank account.  Click here to go to the PGS website where you can set up your account (you need an email address) and you can set up your regular monthly, quarterly or annual donation.  You can opt to automatically increase the donation each year with inflation – this greatly helps the church.  You can also GiftAid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer.  Details of the Parish Giving Scheme are best viewed on the PGS website, or by picking up a white Parish Giving Scheme pack from in the church.  The office or the clergy can give you more information.

One-off gifts

At St Lawrence we are able to take donations whilst the church is open using our contactless payment unit.  Cash may be placed in the wall collection safe.  When the church is closed there are other ways that we can accept donations:

Donating in cash or by cheque: please place in an envelope marked ‘St Lawrence donation’ and pop it through the door at the Vicarage (in Sherborne Street, opposite Swan Close) or the Parish Office (Church Cottage, next to the Church on Market Place).

Donating through the bank: donations can be made by regular standing order or by one-off bank transfer – use your online banking or a banking app.  The bank account details for paying into are:
     Bank: Barclays
     Account name: Parochial Church Council Lechlade (or PCC Lechlade)
     Account number: 80600555
     Sort Code:  20-84-61
If you are donating for a particular reason (eg floodlighting) please use a relevant reference so that it is clear where the donation should be used.  If you require acknowledgement of an electronic donation please email the Parish Office (info@stlawrencelechlade.org.uk)

Gift Aid: if you are a UK taxpayer you can boost your donation at no extra cost by completing a declaration – please click here to do this online or if you are in church please complete a Gift Aid envelope, available near the contactless machine.

Thank you to our new supporters for signing up to support us by shopping online through easyfundraising, it really makes a difference.  
Please sign up too, it’s easy and completely FREE! 6,100 shops and sites will donate to us when you do your usual online shopping with them – at no extra cost to you! CLICK HERE to sign up.

Just make sure you go to your favourite online shopping sites via the St Lawrence Easyfundraising home page, which you can get to by clicking here or the Easyfundraising logo above.

Thank you for any donation you make, all donations will help the work of the church in Lechlade and beyond.